Our CSR strategy revolves around 8 key areas, each more crucial than the last: Carbon footprint – Recycling – Biodiversity – Climate changes – People safety – Diversity and Equity – Customer and Landlords satisfaction – Governance.

Because we are committed to 3 values we SHARE, we CARE, we DARE, we are proud to make the good long term choices to build a sustainable future for the towercos ecosystem tomorrow.



Our 8 CSR commitments



Guaranteeing strict compliance with safety processes and training all employees is an absolute requirement.

Everyone’s safety is a vital priority, and TOTEM intends to maintain the very high standards it has set itself from now until 2025 and beyond.

Contributing, within the framework of its own strategic plan, to the Orange Group’s goal of carbon neutrality in 2040, TOTEM will avoid estimed 21 000t of CO² through sharing infrastructures by 2026. TOTEM will continue buying 100% green energy to serve its clients in Spain, maintain solar panels and continuously innove and invest in grener solutions in all its geographies.

TOTEM is committed to remaining above the threshold of 35% women by 2025. Ensuring a high level of diversity and equity within its teams, TOTEM will publish a Diversity and Equity Charter by the end of 2023, enabling it to maintain these good practices over time.

Committed to very long-term relationship with its customers and landlords, all the TOTEM team aims to ensure a very high level of satisfaction, mesured each year, to be considered the most trusted player in each of its countries.

To anticipate climate risks, TOTEM is committed to maintaining strict compliance with current standards and regulations in the construction process for 100% of all new sites.

TOTEM ensures that all its contracts with subcontractors include standard waste hazardous treatment clauses and is committed to forming partnerships with subcontractors capable of offering recycling solutions, in order to be fully involved in the virtuous circle of the circular economy.

At TOTEM, 100% of contracts with subcontractors ban the use of phytosanitary product, promotes biodiversity sensibilisation of all employees according to their job, respects the nesting periods of migratory birds during its construction, development and maintenance activities.

TOTEM has a solide governance that relies on auditable data, formalized risk map, Chief Safety Officer, Chief Compliance Officer , Ethic officers and Chief CSR Officer, and it is supervised by a Board of Director of which two members are independant.

Our commitments by 2025
in a few figures



21 000 tonnes

of CO2 offset thanks to the pooling of TOTEM infrastructures between 2023 and 2026 (Based on information provided in the EY Parthenon study “The sustainability contribution of the European independent TowerCo sector” – March 2023)

100 %

of the energy purchased by TOTEM for its customers is of renewable origin in Spain

35 %

The minimum rate of women employed by TOTEM by 2025

100 %

of contracts with its subcontractors banning the use of phytosanitary products

300 tonnes

The agreement signed with DeltaComGroup will help reduce TOTEM’s CO2 emissions in Spain by up to 50% during each dismantling operation, avoiding more than 300 tonnes of CO2 being released into the atmosphere each year

100 %

of TOTEM employees will be trained or made aware of the safety modules corresponding to their respective jobs

CSR commitments

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